About me

My name is G. Nathalie BRIGAUD NGOUM, Mom's 2 children and bride.

My husband and my children are the official tasters of my culinary variations.

Multi-potential, I share my time with my family, my friends, my work as a sales and marketing manager, the various Envolées Gourmandes projects my company and of course, my kitchen.

I am indeed a chef, culinary consultant, Author, blogger, Animator of writing and / or cooking workshops.

I am distinguished by a poetic and greedy feather, tasty cuisine, responsible and healthy.

I am characterized by a cuisine that gives pride of place to good, carefully selected products from Cameroon in particular, from Africa in general and of course from France where I have lived for more than 20 years. I am not closed to other influences and I am a fan of anti-food waste.

I hope I made you want to work with me.

I am curious to know your projects and to know how I can accompany you in them.

Paris Hotel School
Prix du public WE EAT AFRICA 2018

About the blog



The cheerfully started forty, love of life and my husband, I am amazed the mother of two gifts of heaven not always restful.

Candice, 12 years, is both dreamy and manual, very articulated, simultaneously endowed with a vivid imagination. This is the Artistic Manager of this blog she has strongly pushed and helped create. The drawings, and all events will be filmed thought together with me, but concocted, served by it and signed.

Lukas, 7 years , is a small, endearing man. It is very good mom cooking -without really want to taste it - but prefers fries. He knows by heart all seasons and scenes of "Ninjago" in several languages, including Greek and Japanese. His great project, learn Korean.

Fred, dad, is the technical support and indispensable moral of this adventure, This family long journey, with you, dear visitors, I hope, filled as passengers.


"You should have a blog" told me in July (2015) my daughter finding myself probably pathetic to take photos on my phone their dishes I mijotais. And it is true that I always had the bottom of my heart for little girl, a visceral need to write, sleeping on a sheet my moments of joy, as doubt and sadness.

But a blog about cooking, while the Internet is overflowing and there are so many quality ? A real challenge. And I have never been able to resist a challenge especially if it resonates deep within my being.

I did not cook for academic or professional career. I do not have a restaurant and'm not catering. So, who am I and what am I parry legitimacy ?

I'm just a passionate stoves (thanks Mom !), lover of good food, curious tastes by, away over there, everywhere. When I am happy, I cook and I write. When I go less, I write and kitchen ... So ?

The convivial space what a blog allows me to combine three strong passions : La cuisine, the writing, the sharing. It is also an opportunity to exchange mother / daughter through artistic creation in all its forms, my daughter's favorite field.

Join us on this voyage of fragrant stops regularly, wanderings often salty, sometimes sweet rides, fragrant absolutely correspondence, meetings fluffy course, of gourmet stops occasionally, incursions of spicy and stops too spicy. I will make you share the life of my garden that moves me to tears, herbs that I adore, my trips, my culinary meetings, but not only…

I will tell you, simple recipes, succulent, amazing and easy to perform. I will share with you conceived dishes created by me, I hope that blends harmoniously, tips, found ideas from here and there that I tested.

Reversals other recipes through blogs, books or magazines, will be explicitly identified, the sources cited.

We hope with my daughter, bring here a true and singular voice, create an original and innovative way.

So, place for gourmet and lyrical flights of fancy ... !!!

BN Nath.

Ps: a tasty thank you to Johan who m & rsquo; helped her find my way in the maze , oh so rich, WordPress features.

You have questions? You want information? Knowing a little more my work and my passions? One address : envoleesgourmandes@gmail.com

You can also find me on:


And on social media...


The self obtained a Cape Town Hotel School of Paris

I propose today benefit:

  • Chef at home for companies and individuals
  • Initiator and facilitator of lyrical and gourmet workshops
  • consultant, photographer and culinary author

My phone 06 09 03 37 58



Publication of My Kitchen Imprecis


Hello Dear All and All

Here is the cover of the first book edited by me, an abundant poetic and gourmet collection 😉

He proposes

- Near 130 tips, tips and practical variations

– 50 gourmet photos

– 50 balanced variations, tasty and creative


-21 dietary recommendations
(under the supervision of a doctor)

– 11 poetic texts

These sweets, (many of which happen to be gluten-free, and / or vegan), alliances of tastes, colors and textures, will light up your breakfasts, your brunches, your snacks and desserts, to the delight of young and old.

Public price 29 euros (plus delivery)

Our videos

Radio / Podcast

Press articles

At table ! The chef is a woman ... Portrait by Frédérique Harrus from Géopolis / France Télévisions
In the kitchen of ... Interview conducted by Michel Kamdem
Between words and cooking, she creates the right bond Mérimé Wilson
Media dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship in emerging countries and their diasporas Interview by Joelle Ngako.


  • Virginia


    Tes envolées lyriques m’enchantent
    Tes accords, tes combinaisons m’exaltent
    Avec toi les mots dansent
    Avec toi les couleurs valsent
    Dans une association improbable
    Et le résultat est remarquable !

    Toi, femme occidentale sémillante
    Toi, powerful African woman
    you undertake
    You surprise me.

    Bless surprising harmonies
    Bless grim metaphors
    A ravishing your alliances
    I adhere without restraint
    And tell you, vas-and, continue !

    Virginia G.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      For years we have been friends
      And I have ceased to be ébaubie
      By your intelligence versatile
      For your brilliant relevance.

      Doctor, thou art by vocation,
      Passion and profession
      great poet you are in your essence
      In any incandescent.

      The guts and heart
      Your encouragement touch me
      Your words and your fervor
      Once again, did fly!

      BN Nath

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      J’espère bien être loin de la gaucherie de l’albatros qui prend son envol 🙂
      Je fais de mon mieux pour régaler les papilles , les yeux et j’espère un peu le coeur de ceux qui me lisent.
      Merci de tous tes compliments que je te retourne. J’ai fait un tour sur ton blog, malheureusement, je n’ai pas compris comment procéder pour laisser un commentaire.
      J’ai aimé beaucoup de recettes, très variées, et je tenais à laisser un petit mot se rapportant à laPâte à tartiner: recette facile pour vos crêpes”. Elle me donne l’eau à la bouche !!!

    • Roger Bong Bekondo

      Chère Nath,
      Qui s’en étonne?
      Ton obsession de l’originalité et d’une certaine perfection n’allait pas rester éternellement impunie.
      Bravo de la part d’un profane qui est tout de même très fier de toi.

  • Samira

    Hello dear Nath.
    I am happy to have met t, and share the adventure with you EPP.
    Ton blog, your blog is entirely in your image.
    How better surrounded by his family.
    Your project made me travel and salivate.
    your poetry, your essay, thy speech, ta creativité……. Simply gives you the desire to know more.
    I wish you the outcome and success of “your project”.
    I do not see how it can be otherwise………
    J'm anxious to test one of your recipes.
    I kiss you, à demain Nath.
    Après la formation j aurais plus de temps et la tête à passer plus de tps dans ma cuisine que dans les transports!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Cette cascade de compliments, cette confiance en moi et en mes projets,
      cette bienveillance à mon égard, m’émeut (beaucoup trop 🙁 ) me touche et m’oblige.

      Je suis aussi heureuse de t’avoir connue, de découvrir ton univers d’art et de beauté
      La passion avec laquelle tu présentes le travail des artistes de ton collectif.

      Je te souhaite aussi de tout coeur l’aboutissement de tes projets.

      J’attends tes envolées culinaires!!!!

  • Johan

    here, promise ;0)
    I wanted to wish you, and your little family, Best wishes for a Happy New Year ! A year that will be full of extraordinary and new adventures, a year full of energy and optimism, brief one year to your image.
    I see over time the progress of your work and professionalism of your approach “bloguesque”, congratulations !
    What 2016 brings you sweet dreams to realize and major challenges !

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      I am delighted to read you how happy I am to have you known 2015 🙂
      Je vous souhaite ainsi qu’à votre petite famille une magnifique année 2016.
      Que celle-ci vous apporte épanouissement, bonheur et plaisir, ici ou ailleurs…

      Tenir ce blog me sied. J’ai l’impression viscérale d’être dans mon élément.
      C’est fou comme je me sens à la fois en ébullition et sereine.
      Il est vrai qu’avec le temps, je prends un peu plus mes aises, partage de manière plus authentique
      and I stopped asking me questions about my existential legitimacy in blogosphere.
      Yes, I have my little place I treasure, my unique approach that I assume getting better and hope the site will expand audience.
      You helped give me confidence in my approach "bloguesque"
      Thank you again for your availability, your teaching, your humor and your openness.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Nola Lady,

      This is a marvelous gift to me. You are so king. Thank you for your compliments.
      You can also sign up for the mailing list to be quickly informed about news and recipes on my website. Thank you for helping my young blog growing up. Merry Christmas to all your relatives.
      You are a Lady 🙂

  • Thierry

    Blog clair, simple, intuitifune rareté dans le genre et en plus il me redonne envie de passer beaucoup plus de temps dans la cuisinesympa tout ça je n ai pas hésité à le faire suivre et Merci pour ce Partage succulent Bisous

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Quelle avalanche de compliments ! Je les accepte sans fausse modestie, thank you.
      Si le blog te donne envie de passer beaucoup plus de temps en cuisine, j’en suis ravie. Tu peux t’inscrire sur la liste de diffusion pour être rapidement au courant des nouveautés et des recettes et continue à faire connaitre le blog autour de toi. Merci encore 🙂

  • aline

    After hanging up with you just now, I made my old quiche lorraine. . . I expect a variant with a hint of originality in order to impress my husband cook!!!
    almost a 3 th job this blog . . .
    kisses to the FAMILY TEAM

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      The response was rather slow in coming. It will be quicker next time. Team Family kiss you as much. The surge family is not an easy one, but how exhilarating !!!
      I will also thank You for registered on the blog to be quickly made aware of the new (Articles and recipes).
      As for an original variant of quiche lorraine, it takes from unconsciousness to tackle this monument of gastronomy.
      And as I've never been able to resist a challenge….

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